Wednesday, August 04, 2021

August 04


Etta Lee Arnold Jackson 1900-1945

Etta Lee Arnold was the sister of my great-grandmother Annie Arnold Hicks.
Photo: George, Annie, John, Marlie, Etta

Photo: John Henry and Adaline Arnold family -- back row, George and Annie, front row, Aunt Peggy, Adaline holding Etta, John, Henry holding Marlie. (Aunt Peggy is the woman who raised John Henry Arnold. She was his aunt.)

Etta married Ben Jackson and they had six children -- Alvis, Wincel, Calvin, Dulcie Mae, Coy Lee, and Carol.

Photo: Etta Lee and Ben Jackson with Alvis and Wincel.

Photos: Alvis, Wincel, Calvin

I have met Alvis and Calvin Jackson in person, at the annual family reunion, in 1984. Here are photos of them with their wives. Also a photo of Carol with her husband.

Etta Lee Jackson died at age 44 with tuberculosis. 
Here's a photo of her and Ben taken shortly before she died.

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