Sunday, August 08, 2021

August 08


Cleffie Lorene Hicks Burford 1917-2004

Well, this is a tough one because I have hundreds of pictures of her and I really want to post them all, and tell the whole story of her life, and her influence on my life. 
Cleffie Hicks Burford was the mother of my mother.
Photo: Cleffie (left), Wathada (right), me and my firstborn, 1980.

Cleffie was the daughter of Ulysses and Annie Arnold Hicks, the third of their nine children.
Photo: Irene, Annie holding Cleffie, Ruby.

Cleffie married Lester Burford in 1935, and they had four children: Wathada (my mother), Morris, Bob, and Ron.

I wish I could tell you all the wonderful memories I have of all the people in this photograph...
I did gather together Cleffie's 'memoirs' along with other family stories and photos from her branch of the family tree in my book "The Woods Is Full Of 'Em" ... (jus' sayin').

Cleffie and Lester celebrated their 50th anniversary in 1985.

Cleffie died in September 2004. I miss her every day.

1 comment:

  1. My wonderful, generous, best ever mother-in-law. There is nowhere to start or end to tell about her, but I see her every day in my children. XO


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