Friday, August 27, 2021

August 28


Audie Miller 1876-1900

Audie Miller was the son of Alice Ford and Dale Miller

The Miller and Ford families were early settlers of Bangor, Michigan.
Dale and Alice had four children - 
Carrie, who died at age 6 months 
Dora, who died in childbirth at age 28 
John Cleveland, who  lived to age 53 
Audie, who died of tuberculosis at age 24

27 AUG 1900
Mr. Audie D. Miller died of consumption at Las Cruces, New Mexico, Monday morning at 10 o’clock, where he went a year since in hope of regaining his health.

He was the eldest of the four children of Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Miller, who are well known in and about South Haven.

Audie Miller was born in Bangor, June 10th twenty-five years ago, and moved with his parents to South Haven at the age of four months, and has never lived away from here until last September when he in company with Frank Wynn went west.

The bereaved family received word last week, however from Mrs. Nora Hagerty formerly of this place, that Audie had grown too weak to start and that she and the many friends he has made for himself there were seeking that he had every attention. Only a short time after a telegram announced his death. The remains are expected here tonight and the funeral will probably be held Sunday afternoon at the Baptist Church.

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The photo above is the only one I have of Audie Miller. I don't have pictures of Carrie or Dora. I do have at least one picture of John Cleveland Miller, with his wife Giulielma.

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