Saturday, August 07, 2021

August 07


Mary Viola 'Ola' Hicks Romalow 1890-1935

Photo: Ola Romalow with her children.

I have been unable to find an substantial information about Ola Romalow, other than what is stated in our family history. She was the daughter of David Anderson Hicks. David married Belle Hindman and they had 2 children, John Timothy and Mary Viola. (The 1910 census indicates they had 5 children, only 2 of whom were living. I don't know anything about the other three. Most likely they died at birth or in infancy or early childhood.)
Photo: David Anderson Hicks
David was the oldest brother of my great-grandfather Ulysses F. Hicks. (Ulysses was the photographer who took the picture above.)
Photo: John Henry and Malisa Hicks family, David is seated on the right. Standing L-R: Felix, Felix' wife Ida holding daughter Rosie, Ulysses. 

Viola Hicks married Edward Romalow. I cannot find any records of him. The only documentation I have been able to find is the 1910 census in which 'Viola Ramelow' was listed in the household of David and Belle Hindman Hicks as their daughter, married, age 20. Apparently Viola and Edward had at least 3 children, as evidenced by the photograph above.

Okay, well I found out some information about Ola's husband and children, and I wish I hadn't. Her husband was E. H. Ramelow. He was born in Germany. They had 3 children: Hazel, born in 1917, Harold, born in 1923, and Harvey, born in 1928. (It's likely they had more than three, because the children in the photo don't appear to be 5 or 6 years apart in age.) Hazel died at age 20 from pneumonia complicated by pregnancy with eclampsia. She was married to Everett Williams. Harold died at age 6 from septicemia (blood infection) from a nail puncture wound infection. Harvey died at age 3 from gangrenous stomatitis/toxemia (blood infection). I have copies of their death certificates. I've no idea whether any of those three are the children in the photograph or not. Ola was 45 years old when she died, and I don't know anything more about the cause or circumstances of her death. And I don't know anything more about her husband, either.

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