Monday, January 31, 2022

Reunion 1990


Left: Marcus and Jeannie Hicks Barnett
Right: Olan and Barbara Hicks and daughter Jeannie

*     *     *

Photo: Olan and Barbara Hicks with children Clint, Jeannie, Chuck

Photo: Barbara and Olan Hicks, Chuck, Jeannie, Clinton

Annie and Ulys Hicks -- parents of Olan Hicks -- with Jeannie and Clint Hicks, 1955

Sunday, January 30, 2022

Carter/Arnold reunion1990 - connections


Left: Elvin Hicks, Jr., Charles Jones, Alvis Jackson
Right: Irene Barnett, Arbie Hayes

*     *     *

Elvin Hicks, Jr. is the son of Elvin Revalee Hicks -- brother of my grandmother Cleffie Burford.
Charles Jones is the husband of Evalee Hicks Jones -- sister of my grandmother Cleffie Burford.
Alvis Jackson is the son of Etta Arnold Jackson -- aunt of my grandmother Cleffie Burford.
Irene Hicks Barnett is a sister of my grandmother Cleffie Burford.
Arbie Arnold Hayes is the daughter of George Ned Arnold -- uncle of my grandmother Cleffie Burford.

My grandmother, Cleffie Hicks Burford

Saturday, January 29, 2022

The Way-Back machine


Top: Donald and Oma Dell Hawley, Wathada and Red Thomas
Bottom: people at the 1990 reunion - I'm not sure who they are

Here are a couple of other pictures from the way-back machine
Photo: Donald and Oma Dell Hawley, Wathada and Red Thomas. I'm guessing this was taken somewhere around 1953. Donald and Oma Dell were married in August 1953, Red and Wathada were married in September 1953.

Photo: Donald Hawley, Red Thomas, Morris Burford

Friday, January 28, 2022

1990 doesn't seem like that long ago


Left: Opie and Obie, twin daughters of Uncle George Arnold
Right: Aunt Gracie, wife of John Davidson Arnold. She was 93 years old in this picture.

Left: Sylvia Arnold Dye, daughter of Uncle Marlie Arnold.
Right: Ruth Carter Hodges, daughter of John Martin Carter

*     *     *

Thursday, January 27, 2022

Carter/Arnold reunion 1990


Cleffie with Aunt Ettie's oldest boy Alvis
(notice I typed that in the parlance in which it would have been told to me)

Top: Arbie and Cleffie
Bottom: seated - Alvis Jackson, Bill Rogers, Jack and Ruby Barnett
(standing, second from left is one of Obie's twin boys - Toy or Coy, and on the far right is Alvis' brother Calvin Jackson)

*     *     *

The 1990 reunion seems to have been a bit bigger than in previous years. I wasn't there, so I don't know for sure. The pictures I have came from Cleffie and Wathada. It appears to have taken place at the Heber Springs public park, and was possibly a two-day event.

Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Carter/Arnold reunion 1990


Top: Alvis Jackson, Ruth Carter
Bottom: Calvin and Alvis Jackson

Alvis Jackson and Cleffie Hicks Burford 

*     *     *

Children of John Henry Arnold and Adaline Carter Arnold: George, Annie, John, Marlie, Etta

Alvis and Calvin Jackson are sons of Etta
Cleffie is a daughter of Annie
Ruth Carter is a cousin - her father was Adaline's brother John Martin Carter

*   *   *

In the background of the picture of Calvin and Alvis Jackson is a man named Elmer Reed. This is significant because it is the story of how my grandmother met her 2nd husband at a family reunion. (That might not strike everyone as funny as it does me, but I just think it's totally hilarious that someone would go to a FAMILY reunion and then marry someone she met there. However, the more I learn about the history of our kinfolk up there in the Ozarks, the less surprising it is, really.) Well, you see, Cleffie (my grandmother) and Elmer knew each other when they were teenagers. As a matter of fact, Elmer's brother Elvin married one of Cleffie's cousins, Wilma Arnold -- and I guess that's how Elmer came to be at the Carter/Arnold reunion.
Photos: Elvin Reed and Wilma Arnold, Elmer Reed and Opie Arnold

Anyway, as I understand it, Cleffie and Elmer met up at the reunion in 1990. She was living in Michigan at the time, and he was still in Ida, Arkansas, the area where they all grew up and where the reunion is held every year. They started corresponding, and ... well ...

Photo: Elmer and Cleffie's wedding, 29 April 1999

Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Reunion 1990


Top: Cleffie Hicks Burford, Ruth Carter Hodges, Irene Hicks Barnett
Bottom: Frankly, I have no idea who these people are!

Top: Calvin Jackson's wife Jerline, Alvis Jackson's wife Elinor
Bottom: Calvin Jackson with a woman who may be his daughter - I'm not sure. There is another picture of her below with another woman who may be another one of Calvin's daughters.

*     *     *

Ruth Carter is a cousin (1st cousin once removed) of Cleffie and Irene. Their grandmother Adaline Carter Arnold and Ruth's father John Martin Carter were sister and brother.

Photos: Adaline Carter Arnold, John Martin Carter

Calvin and Alvis Jackson were sons of Etta Lee Arnold and Ben Jackson. Etta was the sister of my great-grandmother Annie Arnold Hicks.
Photo: Ben and Etta Arnold Jackson, Ben holding Alvis

Photo L-R: Alvis Jackson, Calvin Jackson (front), Elvin Hicks

Monday, January 24, 2022

Carter/Arnold reunion 1990


Top: June Anderson, Melissa Anderson (June's daughter), Vernell Leatherwood, Cleffie Burford
Bottom: Seven of Ulys & Annie Hicks' children, with spouses

*     *     *

Here are some younger pictures of the people in the photos above
June Barnett (left) is the daughter of Doc and Irene Hicks Barnett

Bill and Bernice Hicks Rogers

Elaine and Lowell Hicks

Barbara and Olan Hicks

Ray and Vernell Hicks Leatherwood

Ruby, Irene, and Cleffie Hicks

Sunday, January 23, 2022

Uncle George's girls


Here are "Uncle George's Girls" again.
Of the 11 daughters of George Ned Arnold, Arbie is the oldest (born in 1913) and Bertha Lee is the youngest (born in 1938).

*     *     *

Uncle George Arnold's two families

After Aunt Jessie died, George married Eula Mae

Friday, January 21, 2022

Ruth Iwana Carter

Top left: Gracie Arnold (wife of John Davidson Arnold)
Top right: Alvis Jackson and wife (son of Etta Arnold Jackson)
Bottom: Ruth Carter and my grandmother Cleffie Hicks Burford (Ruth is the daughter of John Martin Carter and Amy Tamsett Carter)(John was the brother of my great-great-grandmother Adaline Carter Arnold - so she would be Cleffie's 1st cousin once removed)

*     *     *

Here are some more pictures of Ruth Carter
In this photo Ruth is the smallest child, pictured with some siblings and Arnold cousins. (Back: Arbie Arnold, Lavada and Agnes and Ollie Carter, Wilma Arnold. Front: Eulene, Ruth, and Elmer Carter.)

Photo: Joan Arnold and Ruth Carter (cousins)

*     *     *

Obituary (from Find A Grave website)

Thursday, January 20, 2022

Carter/Arnold reunion 1990


My grandmother and her siblings: Ruby, Irene, Olan, Evalee, Bernice, and Cleffie.
Six of the nine Hicks siblings at the reunion in 1990. Olan and Ruby both lived in Searcy, Arkansas, at the time. Irene lived in Missouri. Evalee and Bernice lived in Michigan. Cleffie lived in California.
*     *     *
I was not present at the reunion that year. These photographs came from my mother and Cleffie. There is a little bit of confusion in my mind about exactly which pictures are from the Carter/Arnold reunion and which ones may be from another reunion. This page of the album has Evalee but not Vernell. Some of the other pictures in this set have Vernell but not Evalee. They had stopped having the reunion at Pine Grove cemetery and started having it at the public park in Heber Springs, so I don't recognize the venue or the buildings where some of these pictures were taken. I don't know for sure if they were all taken on the same occasion or two different occasions. They were all taken in 1990 or thereabouts, though.

Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Informal reunions

Below are more pictures of these same people in their younger years...

*     *     *

Betty Ruth Barnett was the daughter of Irene Hicks Barnett. Betty married Tommy Provance. Kaylene Provance is their granddaughter. 

Ruby Barnett is a sister of Irene. Irene and Ruby Hicks married brothers Doc and Jack Barnett.
Photo: Jack and Ruby Barnett, Irene and Doc Barnett (sisters married brothers)

Photo: Children of Doc and Irene Barnett - Velma Lee, June, Betty, Bobbie. 

Photo: Cindy and Shelby Bridges, children of Bernice Hicks Bridges (sister of Irene and Ruby). Cindy married Dale Haigler.

Photo: Clinton, Jeannie, Chuck Hicks, children of Olan Hicks (brother of Ruby, Irene, and Bernice)

Jeannie married Marcus Barnett - no relation to Jack and Doc Barnett, so far as I know.

Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Carter/Arnold reunion 1986

 Reunions album - Carter/Arnold reunion 1986

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Photo: The woman sitting on the left is Birdie Arnold, and the baby in her lap is Arbon. The tall boy standing behind her is Ned Carter.

Calvin Jackson and his wife Jerline with two of their children.

*     *     *


  Ned J. Carter of the Banner community passed away at Greers Ferry, AR, on April 15, 1988, while on a fishing trip. Mr. Carter was born in Banner, AR on Nov. 26, 1909. His parents were John Martin and Amy Tamsett Carter.
  Mr. Carter was a devout Christian and had been the pianist at the Mt. Zion Baptist church for many years. He was known and loved through out Cleburne Co. He had worked at many different jobs and after his retirement he continued to rebuild and tune pianos.
  He was predeeded in death by his wife Helen after only four years of marriage. Surviving is a daughter, Glynda Faye Carter Tucker, a son-in-law, Dwayne Tucker, and two grandsons, Kenny and Rick Tucker. Also surviving are two great grandsons, Seth and Chad Tucker, sisters, Agnes Baker, Eulene Daugherty, and Ruth Hodges and many neices, nephews and friends. Mr. Carter remarried several years after the death of his first wife, to Maxine Qualls Green. She and her son Elvis Green are also his survivors.
  He was predeeded in death by his parents, brothers, Othinal, Elmer and Ollie and also a sister Vada Tatum.
  Funeral services were at Mt. Zion Baptist Church, Banner, AR with burial at Pine Grove Cemetery near Floral.