Saturday, November 25, 2023

On This Day in Family History - November 25

Earl Dallas Parker died 25 November 1973 age 81

Earl Parker was the brother of my great-grandmother Massie Parker. He was an attorney and a judge in Ohio, and also served in the Ohio legislature.

Judith Michele Dial was born 25 November 1963

Michele is the baby in this picture. Standing behind her is Anne Frazier (Frances' daughter). Back row L-R: Frances Walters Frazier (Helen's daughter), Louise Lyon Burford (wife of Killough Burford), Judy Burford White, Helen Burford Walters (Helen and Judy are sisters, Killough was their brother). Michele is Judy's granddaughter, the daughter of Suellen White and Bert Dial.

Here is a grown-up picture of Michele, with her son Weston. To the left of Michele is her great-aunt Juanita Burford Hombs. (Juanita is sister to Helen and Judy in the previous photo.) On the left is Juanita's son Jerry. On the right is Aaron White, the son of Judy Burford White (in the previous photo).

Scott Charles Radde married Camille Vitale 25 November 1985
Thanks to Facebook, I just happen to have a picture of Scott and Camille on their wedding day!
Scott is the son of Beverly Jones Radde. Beverly is the daughter of Evalee Hicks and Charles Jones.

Vernell Hicks married Ray Leatherwood 25 November 1945

Photo: Vernell and Ray Leatherwood

Vernell was a sister of my grandmother Cleffie Hicks Burford (also a sister of Evalee Hicks Jones, mentioned in the previous photo)

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