Sunday, November 19, 2023

On This Day in Family History - November 19

Luttie Thomas married Fred Frazee 19 November 1914

Photo: twins Luttie and Lottie Thomas
I don't have a picture of Luttie as an adult. At least I don't think I have one... 
This photo is Effie and Charles Ford (back left). The others in the picture are not identified, but I think there is a good chance that the couple in front are Fiina and Otho Simeon Ford, and the two women (back right) dressed alike may be... maybe... Luttie and Lottie Thomas?

I don't have a picture of Fred Frazee. I have some pictures of a Fred Frazee from Watervliet, and he is related somehow to the other Frazee relatives in our family. But he was born in 1960 and I haven't been able to figure out yet exactly how he is related -- got to be the son or grandson of some of 'em.

Luttie Thomas and Fred Frazee were the parents of four daughters -- Juanita, Claudine, Mary Lou, and Barbara.
Photo: Mary Lou and Barbara with my dad, Richard Thomas

Juanita holding her great-granddaughter

Claudine with son Rick and husband Joseph

Luttie was the daughter of William G. Thomas and Nettie Durren Thomas

(I take it back -- I do have a picture of Fred Frazee)
Photo: Fred Frazee (left), William G Thomas (right)

William G Thomas was a barber in Watervliet, Michigan, for many years
Photo: William G Thomas in his barbershop, Watervliet, Michigan

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