Saturday, April 29, 2023

On This Day in Family History - April 29

 Cleffie Hicks Burford married Elmer Reed 29 April 1999

I've told the story before about how my grandmother met her husband at a family reunion, right?
My grandmother, Cleffie Hicks Burford, grew up in the same little community in the Ozark Mountains of Arkansas as Elmer Reed and his brother Elvin. 
Photo: Elmer and Elvin Reed
Photo: Parents of Elmer and Elvin Reed

Elmer's brother, Elvin Reed, married Cleffie's cousin Wilma Arnold

Elmer Reed married Ruby Foust in 1937

Cleffie Hicks married Lester Burford in 1935

Both of these marriages lasted more than half a century.

Then, after both Cleffie and Elmer were widowed, they met up at one of the Carter/Arnold annual family reunions, and...

*   *   *

Cleffie Hicks Burford Reed died in 2004.

Elmer Reed died in 2011.

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