Tuesday, April 11, 2023

On This Day in Family History - April 11

 Effie Camella Thomas Wieland was born 11 April 1890

Effie was a sister of my grandfather Bill Thomas
Photo: Bill Thomas, Effie Thomas Wieland

Effie married Harry Wieland

Effie and Harry had no children of their own, but they raised Allan Miller, whose mother died shortly after his birth. (The Millers were related to the Thomas family by marriage.)
Photo: Effie and Harry Wieland, Allan Miller
Aunt Effie was always a special person to me. She lived in Bangor (Michigan) when I was a small child, and I walked past her house every day on my way to school and back. Once in a while I would be invited to stop in and visit with Aunt Effie on my way home from school. What I remember is playing Parcheesi and eating fresh peaches and cream. Sometimes she would invite me to go to church with her. Our house was on her way to church, and I remember walking with her to the Methodist church once in a while. That's where I learned the Doxology -- it was always part of the worship service -- "Praise God from whom all blessings flow / Praise him all creatures here below / Praise him above, ye heavenly host / Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost / Amen." I never hear that song without thinking of Aunt Effie.
Photo: Effie Wieland, Dianne Thomas

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