Friday, July 08, 2022

Family History Miscellaneous album, page 72

Ulys and Annie at the farm
Annie wrote:

In 1945 we bought a 20 acre farm about 20 miles south of Benton Harbor.  We rented the farm out for three years, then we moved on it and Ulys quit working in the shop but I kept working till 1953.  Ulys worked in the shop till 1948.  He got so disabled that we sold the farm and bought a house in Benton Harbor at 602 Empire.  He didn’t work any more, but I worked about two years more.  We bought the house in Benton Harbor the fall of 1951.

This is the house on Empire street in Benton Harbor

Cleffie, Elvin, Evalee holding Olan, neighbor Mildred Rogers, Vernell, Irene

Ruby, Cleffie, Annie holding Elvin, Irene - 1920
(This is one of my favorites of  all the family photos. Of course, I have a hundred or more that are my 'favorites' -- but this would be among the top ten, for sure.)

"Evalee and Charles in Raymond's back yard in North Little Rock, Arkansas" 
(Raymond who?)

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