Thursday, July 07, 2022

Family History Miscellaneous album, page 71

Charlotte Viola Sandefur Solomon, daughter of Nancy Ellen Hicks Sandefur (sister of Ulys Hicks)

Elvin Hicks, Sylvia Arnold, Cleffie Hicks, Opie and Obie Arnold, Evalee Hicks, Verlie and Mildred Arnold 
Old-fashioned photobomb: As the story goes, the girls did not want Elvin in the picture -- and they didn't know until the photo was developed that Elvin had sneaked into it anyway.

George and Nancy ("Nannie") Hicks Sandefur, granddaughter Nora, and a cousin 
(Interesting tidbit: George's sister Ida Sandefur married Nancy's brother Felix Hicks)

George Ned Arnold and his son Amos
(Amos was George's first child. He died of typhoid fever at age 7)

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