Saturday, July 30, 2022

Family History Miscellaneous album, page 94


House of David, Benton Harbor, Michigan
I'm not sure I can even describe exactly what the House of David was. This postcard shows the bandstand and dance floor (outdoors, under a pavilion). Mostly, it was an amusement park. There were little motorized cars on an oval track with bumpers, so kids could drive them. There was also an elevated miniature railroad that went all around the park -- as I recall you could buy tickets and ride the train. There was a miniature doll house... I don't remember what else was in the park. It was run by a religious cult. Kind of fascinating to read about it, if you're interested. 

Velma Lee Barnett with first husband Glenn Woodard
(Velma Lee is the daughter of Irene Hicks Barnett)

Charles Jones and his brother Pete
(Charles was the husband of Evalee Hicks)

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