Thursday, July 21, 2022

Family History Miscellaneous album, page 84


ADALINE ARNOLD SIBLINGS and progeny, July 1941

FRONT L-R: Amy Carter, Adaline Arnold, Margaret Rhoades, Ellen Haigwood
BACK L-R: Guy Cartee, Ora Blankenship, Arthur Dunn, Boston Dunn, John Martin Carter, Lewis Albert Dunn, George Rufus Carter, Berton Dunn

Adaline, Margaret, John, and Ellen are siblings - children of Ned Jonas Carter

Amy is John's wife.

The rest are children of older (deceased) siblings Wesley, Mary Elizabeth, and Matilda

Ruby and Irene Hicks
ca. 1917

Ulysses Hicks and Will Anderson 1909

This is a postcard he sent to Annie before they were married in 1910. I'm not sure who Will Anderson is. We did have some Andersons who were related (kind of) to our family -- but I don't know if Will is one of them. I don't know where they were when this photo was taken. Here is a picture of the back of the postcard.

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