Friday, July 15, 2022

Family History Miscellaneous album, page 77

Mell Hamby (grandson of George Bullard)
George Bullard and his sister Peggy raised John Henry Arnold. John Henry was the son of their sister Emma Bullard Arnold.

Written on the back of the photo: "I think this is Irene Hicks on left and Lorene Barnett on right when they were 11 or 12 years old or maybe a little older" 

Lorene Barnett was a daughter of Luvena Barnett. Her sister Irene is in another picture like this one, with Cleffie (sister of Irene Hicks).

I'm going to assume these were taken on the same day. (Oh, and just to make things more confusing... Cleffie's middle name is Lorene. Also, Irene Hicks grew up and married a half-brother of Irene and Lorene's father, Earl Barnett -- so she became Irene Barnett.)

Ned Jackson Carter
Ned was the son of John Martin Carter, brother of my great-great-grandmother Adaline Carter Arnold.

Elmer Lee Owen, son of Paralee Carter Owen 
Paralee was a sister of Adaline Carter Arnold

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