Tuesday, July 05, 2022

Family History Miscellaneous album, page 70


George Arnold and Jessie Tamsett
This is the original picture, from which the photo above was cropped. Ulysses and Annie Arnold Hicks (left) married in February 1910. Annie's brother George Arnold and Jessie Tamsett (right) married in July 1910. This picture was taken sometime in 1910.

Martha Elizabeth "Lizza" Evans Byrd and Adaline Arnold. Lizza was the daughter of Nancy Jane Evans by her first marriage. Nancy Jane Evans was Adaline's mother. (So Lizza would be Adaline's stepsister.)

Boston Dunn and John Martin Carter. 
Boston was the son of Mary Elizabeth Carter, John was his uncle (Mary Elizabeth's brother). They were one year apart in age. John was born in 1877, Boston was born in 1878.

Mary Elizabeth Carter Dunn and her youngest daughter Lillie Dunn
(The handwriting on the bottom of the picture is that of Annie Arnold Hicks. On the right side of the photo is something that was written by either Mary Elizabeth or Lillie - "...look so slouchy")

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