Sunday, July 31, 2022

Family History Miscellaneous album, page 95

Obie and Opie Arnold, Cleffie Hicks
These babies are cousins, born in August (Cleffie) and September (Obie & Opie) of 1917.
Obie and Opie were daughters of George Arnold, Cleffie was the daughter of George's sister Annie Arnold Hicks.

Etta Arnold and cousin Ethel Byrd 
Etta's mother Adaline and Ethel's mother Elizabeth were half-sisters.

Cleffie Hicks
(my grandmother)

Saturday, July 30, 2022

Family History Miscellaneous album, page 94


House of David, Benton Harbor, Michigan
I'm not sure I can even describe exactly what the House of David was. This postcard shows the bandstand and dance floor (outdoors, under a pavilion). Mostly, it was an amusement park. There were little motorized cars on an oval track with bumpers, so kids could drive them. There was also an elevated miniature railroad that went all around the park -- as I recall you could buy tickets and ride the train. There was a miniature doll house... I don't remember what else was in the park. It was run by a religious cult. Kind of fascinating to read about it, if you're interested. 

Velma Lee Barnett with first husband Glenn Woodard
(Velma Lee is the daughter of Irene Hicks Barnett)

Charles Jones and his brother Pete
(Charles was the husband of Evalee Hicks)

Friday, July 29, 2022

Family History Miscellaneous album, page 93


Bernice and Bill Rogers, married July 1970
This was Bernice's third and longest-lasting marriage. Bill died in 2003. 
Bernice married again in 2005. She passed away in 2016 at the age of 87. 

Ulys and Annie Hicks' first five children: Ruby, Irene, Cleffie, Elvin, Evalee (they had been eating watermelon)


Charles and Evalee Jones packing strawberries on Ulys Hicks farm in Buchanan MI 1951

Thursday, July 28, 2022

Family History Miscellaneous album, page 92


Cleffie holding little Ronnie (Ronald Gene Burford Jr.) 1972

Bill Wright, Nora Ellen Wright, Nancy Ellen Wright 2yo, Debby Wright 3mo. 
Viola's daughter's family. The boy is Billy or Bobby.
Viola Sandefur Solomon was the daughter of Nancy Ellen Hicks (sister of Ulysses Hicks)

Bernice and Jay Bridges, with son Shelby (born Nov 1946)

Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Family History Miscellaneous album, page 91


Gertie Brumley
Albert and Gertie Brumley were friends of Lester and Cleffie from the Watervliet Church of Christ (well, that's where I remember them from, anyway). It looks like maybe they took a car trip together?
Here's another picture, taken the same month, with Gertie and Albert (right) and Lester.

Evalee and Elvin Hicks

Vernell, Evalee, Elvin Hicks
(Looks like they've just about had enough of picture-taking for one day, huh?)

Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Monday, July 25, 2022

Family History Miscellaneous album, page 89


Bald Knob picnic, Riverview Park in St Joe MI 1954. 
Tagged: Gladys McKenney, Clarence Emde, the Gibsons, Effie Horton and Phyllis, Buck, Beverly, Elmore girls, Cleffie, Charles
Same picnic, tagged:  Buck, Mrs Elmore, Helen (Elmore) Reeves, Beverly, Evalee, Charles

I don't know who these children are, nor why someone cut off the head of the man in the chair

Evalee Hicks

Saturday, July 23, 2022

Family History Miscellaneous album, page 88


Charles and Evalee Hicks Jones, Buck Jones

Evalee Hicks

Evalee Hicks Jones, Buck and Beverly

Friday, July 22, 2022

Family History Miscellaneous album, page 87


Morris Burford, Annie Hicks, Lester Burford
Christmas Day 1967

Evalee Hicks Jones and Irene Hicks Barnett

Irene Hicks Barnett

Thursday, July 21, 2022

Family History Miscellaneous album, page 84


ADALINE ARNOLD SIBLINGS and progeny, July 1941

FRONT L-R: Amy Carter, Adaline Arnold, Margaret Rhoades, Ellen Haigwood
BACK L-R: Guy Cartee, Ora Blankenship, Arthur Dunn, Boston Dunn, John Martin Carter, Lewis Albert Dunn, George Rufus Carter, Berton Dunn

Adaline, Margaret, John, and Ellen are siblings - children of Ned Jonas Carter

Amy is John's wife.

The rest are children of older (deceased) siblings Wesley, Mary Elizabeth, and Matilda

Ruby and Irene Hicks
ca. 1917

Ulysses Hicks and Will Anderson 1909

This is a postcard he sent to Annie before they were married in 1910. I'm not sure who Will Anderson is. We did have some Andersons who were related (kind of) to our family -- but I don't know if Will is one of them. I don't know where they were when this photo was taken. Here is a picture of the back of the postcard.

Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Family History Miscellaneous album, page 82

Donald Hawley, Ruby Hicks Barnett, Oma Dell Barnett Hawley
Oma Dell is Ruby's daughter
Ruby is the oldest sister of my grandmother Cleffie Hicks Burford

Oma Dell and Donald Hawley

Lester Burford
my grandfather, in his house in Bald Knob, Arkansas (ca. 1980)

Cleffie Hicks Burford
my grandmother, at my parents' house in Downey, California, sometime in the1980s

Big Four schoolhouse, near Judsonia AR
I'm not sure how this school fits in with the family story, but I've heard my grandmother mention it frequently. It may be one of the schools where my great-grandfather, Ulys Hicks, was a teacher.