Monday, June 17, 2024

June 17

Burton David Arnold was born 17 June 1918

Burton was the son of John and Gracie Arnold.
John was a brother of my great-grandmother Annie Arnold Hicks.
Burton died at age 1 (from one of the diseases that were common back then, I don't know which one). This is probably the only extant photo of him.
The girl holding Burton in the photo is Irene Hicks, daughter of Annie Arnold Hicks.

Clarence John Johnson was born 17 June 1903

Clarence was related to the Herdman family. The Herdman family is related to the Treat branch of our family tree by the marriage of Belle Treat to Ulysses Herdman. I'm not sure why I ended up with so many pictures and so much information about all the Herdman ancestry, since there was no other connection. I think my dad knew some of the Herdmans, but I'm not really sure about that. Anyway, he ended up with a lot of pictures of them when he was researching the family history.

Judy Lee Mock Jones was born 17 June 1942
Judy is the wife of Charles F. "Buck" Jones III.
Buck's mother, Evalee Hicks Jones, was a sister of my grandmother Cleffie Hicks Burford.

Riley Michael Griffin was born 17 June 2001
Riley is the son of Mike and Karen Burford Griffin.
Karen is the daughter of Lester Morris Burford, Jr.
Morris was the son of my grandparents Lester and Cleffie Hicks Burford.

Wesley Cethus Purtee died 17 June 1911, age 62.

PHOTO: Twins Wesley and Josephus Purtee.
They were related to the Herdman family (see remarks above)
Their mother was Susannah Herdman
PHOTO: Susannah Herdman Purtee is the woman on the left in this photo. The man is her son George William, with his wife Minerva and their children Archie, Guy, and Ethel.

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