Saturday, June 01, 2024

June 1

 Ishmael Gaylon Burford was born 01 June 1902, in Bone Gap, Edwards County, Illinois

Photo: Lora and Alexander Oscar Burford with their first five children - Deb, Helen, Ishmael, George, and Killough. Ishmael is to the right of Helen in this photo.

Ishmael is marked in this large Gibson group photo.

PHOTO: Cropped version of the big photo above
1. Lora Gibson Burford
2. Killough Burford
3. Ishmael Burford
4. George Burford
5. Alexander Oscar Burford
6. Deb Burford
7. Helen Burford
8. Asa Gibson (Lora's father)
9. Adeline Lucretia Gard Gibson (Lora's mother)

*   *   *
 When he was 13 years old, Ishmael fell out of a tree and broke his leg. Gangrene set in, and  his leg had to be amputated. According to family lore, the doctor did the surgery with Ishmael on the kitchen table. Ishmael did not recover, and died soon after. 

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