Sunday, June 30, 2024

June 28

 Marcus Elmer Treat was born 28 June 1874

PHOTO: John A. Treat and Martha Walls Treat with their children Belle, Marcus, and Estle

Marcus married Massie Parker.

Marcus and Massie were the parents of my grandmother Christie Treat Thomas.

Christie married Bill Thomas, and they were the parents of my dad, Richard Thomas

PHOTO: Richard, Christie, Massie holding me. Easter 1956.

Marcus and Massie Parker Treat were also the parents of:
Audrey Treat
(died age 1y 9m, from diphtheria)

Ray Treat

John Treat
(married Mabel Myers)

Madge Treat
(married Leonard Till)

Thursday, June 27, 2024

June 27

Elisha Forrest Herdman was born 27 June 1862 (twin of Eva Rachel

Eva Rachel Herdman was born 27 June 1862 (twin of Elisha Forrest)

PHOTO: Sarah, Forrest, Eve 
(children of Mike Herdman)

I don't have a picture of Mike Herdman.

The Herdman family is related to the Treat branch of our family tree by the marriage of Belle Treat to Ulysses Grant Herdman.
Belle was a sister of my great-grandfather Marcus Treat.

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

June 26

 Clyde A. Owen was born 26 June 1894
Clyde was the son of David and Paralee Carter Owen.

PHOTO: David and Paralee Owen with children Clyde, Elmer, John, and Ola Mae.
Their fifth child, William Jackson ('Jack') was born after this picture was taken. Ola Mae was born in March of 1899, so this picture would have been taken sometime around 1899 or 1900. William was born in 1902.  

Paralee was a sister of my great-great-grandmother Adaline Carter Arnold.
PHOTO: Carter sisters - Adaline, Ellen, Paralee
This picture is labeled "at the Arnold homeplace in Banner, Arkansas"

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

June 25

 John Henry Hicks married Malisa Evaline Burns 25 June 1865

John and Malisa were my great-great-grandparents.
They had nine children: Ishmael, Timothy, David, Pinkney, Nancy, John Ransom, Charlotte, Felix, and Ulysses (my great-grandfather). Ishmael, Timothy, and John Ransom died in childhood. I don't know anything else about them.

PHOTOS: David, Pinkney

PHOTOS: Nancy, Charlotte

PHOTOS: Felix, Ulyyses

PHOTO: Hicks brothers Ulys, Felix, Pink, David

Here is something my grandmother (Cleffie Hicks Burford) wrote about Malisa Hicks:

My Grandma Hicks’ Funeral
    There is one other thing that happened in 1920 that I faintly remember.  My Grandma Hicks died and I remember of us going to her funeral. She died in April of that year before I would turn three in August.  She was my father’s mother. Grandpa had died a little over a year before but I don’t remember that. But I understood now that Grandma was dead, and I remember of us walking into the church house and there was her casket up in the front not far from the pulpit. I knew she was in it.  I remember that I felt a little strange; numb, or tense, or scared, or just not quite comprehending the whole thing.  I know I was very quiet and ill at ease and I would be glad when we got home again. I don’t remember anything else about the funeral, I just knew that Grandma was gone.  And the funny part about it is that I don’t remember anything about her before that.  She had been living with Aunt Tot and Uncle Albert.  They said she had eaten a good meal that evening of pork and sauerkraut and whatever else they had. Later she belched up some of the sour juices and got strangled on it. I guess she had quite a time getting over it; did a lot of coughing and gasping for breath.  After it was over and she seemed to be alright, she sat down in a chair, got her box of snuff out of her apron pocket and was getting ready to take a dip of it when she fell over dead onto the floor. I suppose the ordeal had been too much of a burden on her heart, which wasn’t very strong in the first place.  That’s where my father got his weak heart, he inherited it from her. My father never used tobacco in any form even though his parents both used it.

Monday, June 24, 2024

June 24

Shelby Jay Bridges married Beverly Zielke 24 June 1967

Shelby is the son of Bernice Hicks and Jay Bridges.
Bernice was a sister of my grandmother Cleffie Hicks Burford.

*   *   *

Elmer Sidney Baker was born 24 June 1910

Elmer was the husband of Agnes Earle Carter.
Agnes was the daughter of John Martin Carter (brother of my great-great-grandmother Adaline Carter Arnold)

*   *   *

Roger Eugene Thomas died 24 June 2012, age 90

Roger was the son of Melvin Thomas.
Melvin was a brother of my grandfather Bill Thomas.

*   *   *

Avery Bryon 'Bill' Cummings died 24 June 2018, age 93

Bill was a descendant of Nicholas Gibson, through Nicholas' son William. 

Our line of descent is through Nicholas's son James W. Gibson. James was the great-grandfather of my great-grandmother Lora Gibson Burford. 

The reason I am familiar with Bill Cummings is that he was the father of "Captain Hank" Cummings, who has written two books about the Gibson family history. My mother became acquainted with Captain Hank when she was researching her family history.

Sunday, June 23, 2024

June 23

 I don't have pictures of any of today's birthday people, so I thought I'd post a new picture that I acquired recently.

PHOTO: Back - John Davidson Arnold, Bertha Ann 'Annie' Arnold (my great-grandmother). Front: Marlie Alvin Arnold, John Henry Arnold, Minerva Adaline Arnold, Etta Lee Arnold.

Not pictured -- George Ned Arnold.

Saturday, June 22, 2024

June 22

Evan Royce Hicks married Susan Diane Patzer 22 June 1985

Evan is the son of Lowell and Elaine Hicks (Lowell was a brother of my grandmother Cleffie Hicks Burford)

James Franklin 'Frank' Carter was born 22 June 1904.
Frank was the son of George Carter. 
George Carter was a brother of my great-great-grandmother Adaline Carter Arnold.
PHOTO: George and Laura Carter and their children Frank, Lena, and Etta

Melba June Barnett was born 22 June 1938.
June was the 2nd of four daughters of Doc and Irene Hicks Barnett.
Irene was a sister of my grandmother Cleffie Hicks Burford.
PHOTO L-R: June, Doc holding Betty, Irene holding Bobbie, Velma Lee.

Beverly Jean Jones was born 22 June 1944

Beverly was the daughter of Charles and Evalee Hicks Jones.
Evalee was a sister of my grandmother Cleffie Hicks Burford.

Here is an anecdote about Beverly from our family history:

Evalee Hicks  married Charles Fletcher Jones, Jr. on June 5, 1940.  Charles was from Bald Knob, Arkansas, just 5 or 6 miles from Judsonia.  After they married, they lived in Bald Knob.  They had two children, a boy and a girl.  Charles was in the army and he was in World War Two.  He was in a lot of the bad fighting and it was a bad time.  He and Evalee had a little boy (Charles  Fletcher Jones III, called Buck) and their daughter, Beverly was born while Charles was in  the war.  He didn't see Beverly until she was two years old. She was a pretty little girl with lots of blond curls.  She thought her daddy was a picture of Charles because while Charles was gone Evalee would show her that picture and tell her that was her daddy.  When Charles came home and they told her he was her daddy, she didn't take it very well and she would run and get that picture which she thought was her daddy.  But she warmed up to Charles gradually.  He had a shoe repair shop and he would make leather strap sandals too.  He would take her to the shop with with him and let her play around the shop while he worked. Beverly  liked that, and they formed a bond between them that way and she soon learned to love him very much.  Charles loved children all of his life.  Even in his last years, he loved to have the grand-children in the house all the time as much as he could manage to have it that way. 

(written by Evalee's sister, Bernice Hicks Rogers)

PHOTO: Evalee, Beverly, Buck, Charles

Friday, June 21, 2024

June 21

Jeanne Marie Hicks was born 21 June 1946

Jeannie is the daughter of Olan and Barbara Smith Hicks.
Olan was a son of Ulysses and Annie Arnold Hicks.
PHOTO: Ulysses and Annie Hicks with Jeannie and ... Clint? Chuck? (Clint, I think.)

Olan and Barbara with Clint, Jeannie, and Chuck

PHOTO: Olan and Barbara and Jeannie at the annual Carter/Arnold family reunion in Arkansas, 1990.

PHOTO: Jeannie with husband Marcus Barnett, 1990.

PHOTO: Jeannie with her daughter Dawn, Dawn's daughter Cassie (I think), Barbara and Olan


Thursday, June 20, 2024

June 20

William McMillan Ford was born 20 June 1831

William was born 20 Jun 1831 in Orange County, New York, and died 10 May 1919 in Bangor, Van Buren County, Michigan. He is buried in Arlington Hill Cemetery.

William Ford married Isadore Halsted in 1851. They had six children -- Alice, Charles, Nancy, Kate, Stephen, and Effie. (I don't have a picture of Isadore.)

PHOTO: Stephen, Alice, Nancy Ford

Alice married Dale Miller

Charles married Effie Harvey

Nancy married Charles Thomas (my great-grandfather)

Kate married George Adams

Stephen married Dora Carpenter.
I don't have a picture of Dora.
PHOTO: Kate and Stephen Ford

Effie married Frank Smith (Effie died in childbirth at age 19)
I don't have a picture of Effie or Frank. Here is an excerpt from my dad's family history --