Thursday, September 21, 2023

On This Day in Family History - September 21

Charles Thomas married Nancy Ford 21 September 1879

Charles and Nancy Thomas were my father's grandparents.

Glynda Faye Carter was born 21 September 1939

Glynda is the daughter of Ned Jackson Carter and Helen Loeta Padgett

(Ned was a cousin of my great-grandmother Annie Hicks.)

Jamie Bloom Burford was born 21 September 1967

Sean Bloom Burford was born 21 September 1969

Jamie and Sean are adopted stepsons of my uncle Ron Burford and his wife Beth.
Here's a picture of Ron and Beth with Jamie and Sean and baby brother Ron Burford, Junior.

Whitney Michelle Anderson was born 21 September 1993

Photo: Bridgett and Randy Anderson with children Derek, Whitney, and Dalton.

Randy is the son of Irene Hicks Barnett's daughter June.

William McClellan 'Mack' Herdman died 1945 age 80

L-R: Mack Herdman, Laura Helterbrand, Mabel
(The Herdmans are related to the Treat family only by marriage, but somehow we have a lot of pictures of various Herdmans. Aunt Belle Treat was married to Ulysses Grant Herdman. I never met him, but I met Aunt Belle and her daughter Faun when I went to Ohio with my Thomas grandparents every summer to visit Grandma's relatives. I never met any of the other Herdmans.) 

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