Sunday, September 24, 2023

On This Day in Family History - 24 September

 Sherman Tecumseh Walters died 24 September 1980, age 81

Sherman was the husband of Helen Alice Burford
(Helen was the sister of my grandfather Lester Burford)

Photo L-R: Cleffie, Morris (back), Helen (back), Ronnie (front), Sherman, Lester

Sherman and Helen had one child, daughter Frances

This is not a very good picture, but I'm including it because it is the only picture I have of Sherman's mother Samantha Otelia Walters
Anne Walters Frazier is the daughter of Frances Walters and Louis Frazier.

Here are all the other pictures I have of Uncle Sherman and Aunt Helen

(Juanita is Helen's sister)

Photo L-R: Lester and Cleffie Burford, Judy and A.D. White, Helen and Sherman Walters.
(Judy is a sister of Lester and Helen.) 

Helen is the oldest girl and Judy is the youngest of the 10 children of Alexander and Lora Burford. 
Helen was born in 1901, Judy was born in 1918.

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