Sunday, September 17, 2023

On This Day in Family History - September 17

 I didn't have pictures of any of the birthday people yesterday. And I never got around to developing an alternative. But then I got sidetracked, so I guess we'll just skip it.

James Edward Leon Garrett was born 17 September 1939

Photo: Leon Garrett and his mother Verlie

He was the son of Verlie Arnold and Everett Garrett
(Verlie and Everett were divorced, and Verlie was married to Ed Garrett when Leon was born)
Photo: Ed and Verlie Garrett with L-R: Wes, Youl, Verletta, Leon
(Wes was Verlie and Everett's first child)

Verlie Arnold Garrett was one of "Uncle George's girls" -- Uncle George was the brother of my great-grandmother Annie Arnold Hicks. He had 13 children (with two wives), 11 of whom were girls.

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