Saturday, September 30, 2023

On This Day in Family History - September 30

 Charles McMillan Ford married Elizabeth Renew Manley 30 September 1877

I don't have a picture of her. According to my dad's family history records, she was called Renew (pronounced "Ra-noo"), and she was an artist. Charles and Renew had no children, as far as I know. She died in 1892. Charles married Effie Harvey Conklin in 1893.

Photo: Charles Ford family - wife Effie Viola Harvey Conklin, (step)son Otho Horace, son Cleo, (step)grandson Otho Simeon

Otho Horace was Effie's son from her first marriage to Milton Conklin; Charles adopted him. Cleo was the only natural child of Charles and Effie. Otho Simeon was the son of Otho Horace and his first wife Edith Stuller. He was raised by his grandparents Charles and Effie.

Photo: Milton Franklin Conklin, first husband of Effie Harvey Ford

Photo: Edith Abbie Stuller, first wife of Otho Horace Ford, mother of Otho Simeon Ford

Elizabeth Renew Manley Ford OBITUARY

Friday, September 29, 2023

On This Day in Family History - September 29

 Lillie May Dunn married Luther Dunnigan 29 September 1916

Photo: Lillie May Dunn

I don't have a picture of Luther Dunnigan, and I can't find his grave or a record of his death. I have Luther and Lillie in the 1920 census, living in Missouri. In the 1950 census Lillie was living in Texas and was listed as a widow. She had no children. I have Luther Dunnigan's military registration card dated 12 February 1918.

Lillie May Dunn was the daughter of Mary Elizabeth Carter and Lewis Calvin 'Luke' Dunn. Mary Elizabeth Carter was a half-sister of my great-great-grandmother Adaline Carter Arnold (Annie Arnold Hicks' mother).
Photo: Mary Elizabeth Carter Dunn

Photo: Mary Elizabeth Carter Dunn and Lillie Dunn

Lillie had 8 siblings - William, Boston, Lewis, Berton, Arthur, Vergie, Ira Otis, and Charles. Charles and Vergie died in childhood. 

Photo: Arthur, Boston, Lewis, and Berton Dunn marked. They were brothers of Lillie May Dunn.

Lillie Dunn died in February 1975, age 80.

Thursday, September 28, 2023

On This Day in Family History - September 28

 John David Thomas married Billie Jo Casey 28 September 1985

(38 years ago? That can't be right!)

Wednesday, September 27, 2023

On This Day in Family History - September 27

Aaron Duane "A.D." White was born 1913

Alice Ford married Dallas Miftlin 'Dale' Miller 1874

Benjamin Alfred Jackson was born 1895

Beverly Jean Jones Radde died 2005 age 61

Charlotte Viola Sandefur was born 1906

Dora Gibson Patterson died 1962 age 85

Harold Wayne Baker was born 1933

Melvin Thomas died 1980 age 89

Omer Allen Miller died 1949 age 84

Rita Rae Heinze was born 1949

Velma Lee Barnett was born 1935 

 A.D. and Judy Burford White

 Dale and Alice Ford Miller

 Ben and Etta Arnold Jackson

 Beverly Jones Radde

 Viola Sandefur

 Lora, Julia, Dora Gibson

 Harold Wayne Baker

 Alta and Mel Thomas

 brothers Omer and John J Miller

 Rita Rae Heinze

 Velma Lee Barnett

Tuesday, September 26, 2023

On This Day in Family History - September 26

 Melvin Thomas was born 26 September 1891

Mel Thomas was the brother of my grandfather Bill Thomas.
He married Alta McConnohie 20 February 1919
Photo: Mel and Alta

They had two children: Roger and Geraldine ('Jerry')
Photo: Mel and Alta and Roger

Photo: Jerry

Photo: Bill and Chris Thomas, Mel and Alta Thomas, Erwin and Renue Thomas Wells

Photo: Mel, Bill and Christie (this is how I remember him)

Photo: Mel and Alta with Jerry, celebrating their 60th anniversary, 1979

Uncle Mel died 27 September 1980 at age 89

Monday, September 25, 2023

On This Day in Family History - September 25

Josiah Gregory Miller married Evaline Watkins 25 September 1861 in Van Buren County, Michigan

Josiah Gregory Miller was born 03 February 1833 in Monroe County, Michigan, and died 11 April 1917 in Van Buren County, Michigan. 

FROM: History of Berrien and Van Buren Counties, Michigan With Illustrations and Biographical Sketches of Its Prominent Men and Pioneers; D. W. Ensign & Co., Philadelphia 1880 

Parents of Josiah G. Miller -- John and Fannie Miller -- were among the pioneers of the State of Michigan, having settled here before it was admitted as a State. They were natives of New York, were married there, and made a permanent settlement in Monroe Co., Mich., in 1861. Their children were as follows: L. B., born in New York; J. G., Cynthia S., L. C., John F., Fannie, and Sophia J., born in Michigan. The children are all living but two, Cynthia S. and Sophia J., L. B. John F., and Fannie are still residents of Monroe County; L. C. has made his home in Bangor. 

   J. G. Miller was born in 1833, and was reared surrounded by the impediments and difficulties usually attending the settlement of a new country. Losing his mother when only thirteen years of age, necessity compelled him to depend upon his own efforts for a livelihood, and he began his career under adverse circumstances. Realizing the advantages even of a limited education, he made a manly effort to secure one, and engaged for two winters in sawing wood, this affording him the opportunity of attending school. He afterwards worked two years, receiving as compensation three dollars per month, which enabled him to clothe himself and also to render assistance to his sisters. The following year his salary was doubled, and he then passed seven summers as an employee on the Wabash and Miami Canal, where he made his first one hundred dollars. Finding employment during a portion only of the last three years, he invested his money in a thrashing machine and a horse, Esquire Thomas McManus, of Monroe County, becoming his endorser, as Mr. Miller was compelled to incur some indebtedness. In this business he remained until 1856, when he leased an uncle's farm. Cynthia and Lovisa superintended the internal arrangements of the household, Cynthia teaching a portion of the time, and here several members of the family were able to attend school. 
   In 1858 he arrived with a team and wagon in Bangor, which he exchanged for forty acres of land. He immediately returned, securing a situation in a brickyard. In the fall he purchased a horse and buggy and drove to Bangor, where he purchased the farm now owned by him, and of which a view appears in this work, giving in payment one hundred dollars, his first purchase of forty acres, and his horse and buggy. In 1860 he followed his trade, that of carpenter and joiner, and worked in a sawmill as an employee of J. H. Nyman. In the spring of 1861 he returned to his trade, working at it until Sept. 25, 1861, when he united in marriage with Miss Eveline Watkins. They began their married life with a farm paid for and thirty dollars in cash... 
   After Mr. and Mrs. Miller's marriage they passed eleven years on the farm, where three children were born, viz., Ida, July 10, 1862, died in 1872; Omar, Sept. 6, 1865; John J., Dec. 26, 1869. 
   Mr. Miller having achieved success in farming, and having acquired the necessary means, engaged in business in the village of Bangor in 1872, having built a store in 1871. He commenced with a partner, whose interest he purchased in February, 1875. The village had been continually increasing in population, and the surrounding country been rapidly developed. Mr. Miller recognized the importance of having a public ball. The Opera House, of which a view is given, is the result. It is a building forty-four by ninety-four feet, with a seating capacity of five hundred. The hail is on the second floor, and Mr. Miller occupies a portion of the first floor as a hardware store, renting the remainder. 
   Mr. Miller's career was begun as a poor boy. By energy and perseverance, united with economy and good business qualifications, he has secured a competency, and is now living in the enjoyment of the comforts and luxuries wealth affords. The records show him to be one of the heaviest tax-payers in his school district and township. Politically, he is a Democrat. 
Photo: Omer and John J. Miller, sons of Josiah Gregory Miller and Evaline Watkins Miller


Bangor Advance April 13, 1917


   Josiah G. Miller, one of the oldest settlers of Bangor, one who has been actively identified with the interests of the village, township and county for many years, passed away at his home at 10:30 o'clock Wednesday forenoon, April 11, 1917, at the age of 84 years, two months and nine days, after a week's illness. Although the weight of years had been bearing him down for some time he had been in good health until a few weeks ago, when he unnecessarily exposed himself to the cold winds while supervising the tearing down of the old building occupied by James Yates. From that time on he declined until the end. 

   The passing of this man removes from the village one of its most conspicuous characters, known by every resident, far and near. He was one of a family of seven children born to John and Frances (Woodruff) Miller, both natives of New York, who emigrated to Michigan in 1831. He was born in Monroe County Feb. 2, 1833. After spending seven summers of his early life on the Wabash and Miami canal, he came to Van Buren County in 1858 with a team and wagon which he had purchased from his first savings and traded them for 40 acre of land. He then returned to Monroe County where he worked for some time, purchased a horse and buggy and drove to Bangor, which was his home until his death. He saw the village grow from a mere hamlet up to its present proportions— he saw the mighty forest that covered this country give away to the hand of the pioneer and broad fields of waving grain, orchards and vineyards take the place of the sturdy trees. For many years after coming to this township he followed his trade of carpenter and many buildings still standing were works of his hand. In 1870 he built the building on Monroe Street now occupied by The Advance, which he first leased to Davis & Coffelt, who operated a hardware store and tin shop in it. In 1872 he moved from the farm to the village and bought out the hardware store, in which business, together with farming, he remained until his death, although the firm name was changed years ago to J. G. Miller & Sons. In 1880, the hardware business having outgrown its quarters, he erected the Miller block and moved the store there. 

   Mr. Miller was united in marriage to Miss Eveline Watkins Sept. 25. 1861, and they began married life on the farm two miles west of Bangor. To this union were born three children: Ida, Omer and John— the former passing away in 1872 at the age of 10 years. The sons, together with their mother, survive their father and have always been identified with him in the farming and hardware business. Mr. Miller was the last surviving charter member of Coffinbury lodge No. 204 F. & A. M., organized in Bangor 50 years ago last January. He was one of the most influential men in the village, a born leader, a splendid neighbor and a staunch Democrat. 

   The funeral services for Mr. Miller will be held at his late residence this (Friday) afternoon at 2:30 o'clock conducted by his brother Masons, Malta Commandry No. 8 K. T., of Benton Harbor, of which he was a member, will attend in a body. Rev. J. F. Williams, pastor of the Christian church, will deliver the address and the interment will be in Arlington Hill. 

*   *   *

The Miller family of Bangor and South Haven, Michigan, are related to our family by the marriage of Alice Ford and Dallas Miftlin 'Dale' Miller. Alice Ford was a sister of my great-grandmother Nancy Ford Thomas, wife of Charles Thomas.

Sunday, September 24, 2023

On This Day in Family History - 24 September

 Sherman Tecumseh Walters died 24 September 1980, age 81

Sherman was the husband of Helen Alice Burford
(Helen was the sister of my grandfather Lester Burford)

Photo L-R: Cleffie, Morris (back), Helen (back), Ronnie (front), Sherman, Lester

Sherman and Helen had one child, daughter Frances

This is not a very good picture, but I'm including it because it is the only picture I have of Sherman's mother Samantha Otelia Walters
Anne Walters Frazier is the daughter of Frances Walters and Louis Frazier.

Here are all the other pictures I have of Uncle Sherman and Aunt Helen

(Juanita is Helen's sister)

Photo L-R: Lester and Cleffie Burford, Judy and A.D. White, Helen and Sherman Walters.
(Judy is a sister of Lester and Helen.) 

Helen is the oldest girl and Judy is the youngest of the 10 children of Alexander and Lora Burford. 
Helen was born in 1901, Judy was born in 1918.

Saturday, September 23, 2023

On This Day in Family History - September 23

Paul Herdman Jones died 1967 age 66

This is the only picture I have of him, and it is small.


Dr Paul H. Jones
BIRTH 23 Dec 1900
DEATH 23 Sep 1967 (aged 66)
BURIAL Bainbridge Cemetery
Bainbridge, Ross County, Ohio, USA
MEMORIAL ID 13857749

Paul Herdman Jones was born on December 23, 1900 the son of James W. and Dell Myrtle Herdman Jones. He received his Bachelor of Science and Master's Degrees from the Ohio State University. Upon graduating from medical school he started a medical practice in the community of Stockdale in Pike
County. He served as a general practitioner, optometrist, and surgeon in the local area. During the Ohio
River Flood of 1937, he set up a medical clinic to care for the refugees of the Portsmouth area. An avid
gardener, he helped found the Stockdale Garden Club in 1938, and served as its first vice-president. Prior to the second world war he enlisted into the military reserve corps. On March 9, 1941 he entered active duty enlisting in the United States Army. He was assigned to the medical corps and stationed at Camp Davis in Wilmington, North Carolina. He was quickly promoted to the rank of major and eventually made the rank of Colonel. He was made chief of the Ears, Nose, and Throat Clinic at Fort Davis. He then transferred to Richmond, Virginia where he was made Chief of the McGuire General Hospital. During the war he served some 18 months overseas. In 1945 he was honorably discharged from the U. S. Army. After returning from the war Dr. Jones returned to Pike County where he continued his medical practice. In 1949 he was appointed Pike County Health Commissioner and was elected Pike County Coroner. He was an active member of the Pike County Medical Society, served as President of the Stockdale Board of Education, and was an active member of the committee responsible for starting the Stockdale Volunteer Fire Department. He was first married to Cordie Cameron, and later married Louella Coburn Brown.
*   *   *
How is Paul Herdman Jones related to our family?

Paul Herdman Jones' mother Myrtle Herdman was a sister to Ulysses Grant Herdman. 
Ulysses Grant Herdman married Catherine 'Belle' Treat.
Photo: Ulysses and Belle Treat Herdman

Belle was the sister of my great-grandfather Marcus Treat
Photo: Marcus Treat and his sister Belle Treat Herdman

Marcus Treat was the father of my grandmother Christie Treat Thomas
Photo: Belle's daughter Faun, Marcus' daughter Christie
with their spouses Bob McDonald and Bill Thomas
(Bill and Christie Thomas were my grandparents)