Wednesday, August 09, 2023

On This Day in Family History - August 9

 Ella Goade Irby was born 09 August 1876Photo: Ella Irby (left) and her daughter Willie Mae Goad Burford.

Photo: Front - Raymond Burford, Ella Irby. Back - Juanita Burford Hombs, Jim Hombs, Florence Burford (Deb's wife)

Willie Mae was the wife of George Alexander Burford (brother of my grandfather Lester Burford)

Here are some pictures of George and Willie Mae

Photo: Front - Juanita and Mel Hombs, A.D. and Judy White. Back - Lester and Cleffie Burford, George and Willie Mae Burford (Lester, George, Juanita and Judy are siblings)

In this photo, George and Willie Mae are on the far left. Next to them in the back row are Neil (George's brother) and Mildred Burford. Lester (George's brother) is next to Mildred, then Wathada (Lester's daughter - my mother) and Lester's wife Cleffie. In front are various children and grandchildren of the adults in the picture. This picture was taken in 1956 in Watervliet, Michigan.

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