Monday, August 07, 2023

On This Day in Family History - August 7

 Mary Viola 'Ola' Hicks was born 07 August 1890

Ola Hicks was the daughter of David Hicks
David was a brother of my great-grandfather Ulysses Hicks
Photo L-R: Ulysses, Felix, Pinkney, David Hicks

Ola Hicks married Edward Romalow
 He was born in Germany. I don't have a picture of him. They had at least three children - Hazel born 1917, Harold born 1923, and Harvey born 1928. I don't know if the three children in the photo above are these, because they don't look like they could be that far apart in age. They could have had other children for which I have not found any records.

Harold died in 1929, age 6, from cellulitis and septicemia, probably from a nail puncture of the foot.
Harvey died in 1931, age 3, from a gangrenous infection of the mouth.
Ola died in 1935, age 45. I don't know her cause of death.
Hazel died in 1937, age 20, from pneumonia (complicated by pregnancy with eclampsia).
Edward died in 1955, age 82, from pulmonary embolism.
I don't have any other pictures of Mary Viola Hicks or her children.

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