Friday, August 18, 2023

On This Day in Family History - August 18

Beverly Jean Jones married Theodore Louis Radde 18 August 1962

This photo is from the newspaper announcement of their engagement.

Cleo William Ford was born 18 August 1894

Mildred Arnold married James Everett Garrett 18 August 1939
Photo: Mildred. I don't have a picture of James Everett Garrett.

Montillion Boston Dunn was born 18 August 1878

Noma Edra Dye Staggs died 18 August 2019 age 83

Russell Connor Herdman was born 18 August 1904

Stephen Ford married Dora Carpenter 18 August 1883
Photo: Stephen Ford with his sister Kate. I don't have a picture of Dora Carpenter Ford.

Todd Richard Hombs was born 18 August 1962

This post covers almost all the main branches of my family tree - Beverly Jones, Mildred Arnold, Boston Dunn, and Noma Dye are from the Hicks/Arnold side. Cleo Ford, Russell Herdman, and Stephen Ford are from the Thomas/Ford side. Todd Hombs is from the Burford/Gibson side. 

This is how I keep them organized in my brain -- by my four sets of great-grandparents:

Ulysses Hicks and Annie Arnold

Alexander Burford and Lora Gibson

Charles Thomas and Nancy Ford

Marcus Treat and Massie Parker

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