Saturday, August 12, 2023

On This Day in Family History - August 12

 Leonard Elmer 'Junior' Till married Mary Louise Nelson 1947

Photo: Mary holding Doug, Junior holding Cindy

Junior Till was the son of Leonard and Madge Treat Till. 
(Madge was the sister of my grandmother Christie Treat Thomas.)

The photo above is cropped from a larger photo taken on John and Mabel Treat's 25th wedding anniversary. (John was a brother of Madge and Christie.)

Below is a copy of the same picture tagged with the names of the people
Massie Parker and Marcus Treat were the parents of John and Christie and Madge -- also Ray, who is not in the photo.

Here's a note written by Christie's cousin Faun McDonald and taped to the back of this photo:

She was referring to Marcus Treat (2nd from right)

This picture was taken in 1950. My dad is sitting on the arm of the sofa. He was 15 years old.

Here's a picture of the back of the photo.

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