Friday, August 25, 2023

On This Day in Family History - August 25

David Raymond Burford died 25 August 1999 age 85

David was the son of Raymond Minter Burford
Raymond Burford was the firstborn child of Alexander Oscar Burford Jr and his first wife Helen Virginia Lockard.
They had 3 children - Raymond, Edith, and Hazel.

After Helen Virginia died, Alexander married Lora Gibson 
Alexander and Lora had 10 more children - Deb, Helen, Ishmael, George, Killough, Bernice, Lester, Neil, Juanita, and Judy

Photo L-R: Neil, Lester, Bernice, David, George.
(Sons of Alexander Burford. David is a grandson, the son of oldest brother Raymond)

David married Elizabeth Jane Pittman. I don't have a picture of her.
Photo: David Raymond Burford, David Raymond Burford Jr

Photo: Back - David Jr and his wife Georgi. Front - their son Aaron and daughter Sophia

That's 5 generations - Alexander > Raymond > David > David Jr > Aaron/Sophia

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