Tuesday, July 25, 2023

On This Day in Family History - July 25

 Leona Canzada Bullard Hamby Cross died 25 July 1961

Leona was the daughter of George Bullard and Josephine Tamsett
Photo: George and Josie Tamsett Bullard and their daughter Leona.

Leona married William Limuel Phalamil Hamby. They had three children - sons Joe and Mel, and a daughter Dulcia.
Photo: Mel Hamby

After William Hamby's death in 1934 Leona married A.D. Cross.

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How is Leona Canzada Bullard Hamby Cross related to our family? 

George Bullard was an uncle of my great-great-grandfather John Henry Arnold. So Leona would have been John Henry's cousin.

George Bullard and his sister Peggy raised their nephew John Henry Arnold. He was the son of their sister Emma Bullard Arnold. (I don't have a picture of Emma.)
Photo: George and Peggy Bullard

Photo: John Henry Arnold

Here is what John Henry's daughter (my great-grandmother Annie Arnold Hicks) wrote:

My Father’s Side:
  Grandmother’s name before marriage was Emma Bullard. She married a man by the name of Arnold.  They had one child, Henry (my father).  They didn’t live together but three or four years.  They had trouble because he wanted to move from Missouri to Texas (or at least that’s what set off the separation), with his folks and she wouldn’t move, but he went ahead and moved without her and in a little while he came back and wanted her to take him back but she wouldn’t.  
  Then in a year or two she married a man by the name of Alex McReynolds.  They had one boy and twin girls and they had trouble and he took the girls and left, and they never heard from him any more.  
  But about the time she married the second time, her brother and sister (neither one married) took my Dad - just a small boy about maybe 2 years old, and set up housekeeping and raised him.  Their names were George Bullard and Margaret Bullard (Peggy).  Uncle George and Aunt Peggy was always exactly like my Grandpa and Grandma.  
  After they got my Dad about raised, Uncle George married Josie Tamsett, an aunt of Amy Tamsett that John Carter married. 

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