Monday, July 24, 2023

On This Day in Family History - July 24


Asa Gibson died 24 July 1912.                  Ron Burford Jr was born 24 July 1972.

Ronnie is the great-great-grandson of Asa Gibson

*   *   *

Asa Gibson was the father of Lora Gibson

Lora Gibson Burford was the mother of Lester Burford

Lester Burford was the father of Ron Burford

Ron Burford was the father of Ron Burford, Jr.

*   *   *
Those of us who knew Ron Burford (Sr.) can see a resemblance between him and Asa Gibson. 
(This is not my favorite picture of Ron, just because his hair was never permed like that in the years I knew him. But this one best shows his resemblance to Asa Gibson.)

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