Sunday, July 02, 2023

On This Day in Family History - July 2

 Cindy Bridges married Irving Turner 02 July 1971

(I bet she didn't even know I had this picture!)
I assume they were dressed up for prom (not their wedding).

Here's another picture from the same day - without the stole...
(Was that Irving's snazzy car???)

**Y'all don't tell Cindy I'm posting old OLD pictures of her!!** 

Here's Cindy with her 2nd husband Dale Haigler (Have y'all really been married 45 years? Wow!)

Here's a bonus picture of Cindy with some cousins
This picture was taken just 3 years ago. L-R: Russ Hicks, Wathada Thomas, Morris Burford, Shelby Bridges, Clint Hicks, Cindy Haigler

And here's an even more recent picture (I think) of Cindy & Dale with her brother Shelby and his wife Beverly Bridges. (I got this one from Facebook.)

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