Friday, July 14, 2023

On This Day in Family History - July 14


Done and done.



Woo hoo! The series "Cloud of Witnesses" is finally finished!! 

There are four books in the collection -- based on my four sets of great-grandparents and their respective branches of the family tree.

Not sure where I'm gonna go from here. I've got another couple of book ideas rolling around in my head, which may or may not contain family pictures. Been wanting to start on a book about the good old hymns and gospel songs we used to sing. That will probably be next -- and I might just stick a few pictures in it just for fun. I've got another big project in mind that will have to remain secret for now. (It will take a long time to finish, anyway, so don't hold your breath.) I kinda feel the need to actually WRITE a book, for a change, so I'll have to give that some thought. I've only ever written a couple of short stories, and not sure if I would even be willing to publish them -- or any other fiction that I might attempt. It's not really my thing. I like to write poems, too, but I've already unpublished two books of poems because I just ... well, I don't know exactly why. 


I'm SO glad to be living and writing at a time when anybody who wants to can pretend to be a published author -- for free! Thank you, Kindle Direct Publishing.

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