Tuesday, April 30, 2024

April 30

Sophia Alexis Burford was born 30 April 1968.

Sophia is the daughter of David Raymond Burford, Jr.

PHOTO: Back: David Raymond Burford, Jr. and his wife Georgi. Front: David's son and daughter, Aaron and Sophia.

David is the son of David Raymond Burford, Sr.

PHOTO: David Raymond Burford, Jr., David Raymond Burford, Sr.

David Burford, Sr., was the son of Raymond Minter Burford.PHOTO: Edith, Hazel, Raymond Burford

Raymond was the firstborn child of Alexander Oscar Burford, Jr. (my great-grandfather) and his first wife Helen Virginia Lockard.

PHOTO: Alexander and Helen Virginia Burford with their children Raymond, Edith, and Hazel

After Helen Virginia died, Alexander married my great-grandmother Lora Gibson Burford.

PHOTO: Alexander and Lora with their first 5 children.

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