Friday, April 26, 2024

April 26

Verletta Garrett was born 26 April 1944

Verletta is the daughter of Ed and Verlie Arnold Garrett.
Verlie was a daughter of George Arnold (brother of my great-grandmother Annie Arnold Hicks)

Verlie married Ed Garrett and they had 4 children: Wes, Leon, Youl, and Verletta

In this photo Wes Garrett is missing - he died in 1952 at age 15. The family memoirs say that he was killed by a bull.

PHOTO: Ed and Verlie's family 1983 (taken at the annual Carter/Arnold family reunion in Floral, Arkansas). That's Verletta on the right.

PHOTO: Verletta and Verlie on Verlie's 100th birthday 27 March 2021.

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