Saturday, April 20, 2024

April 20

Buddy Lynn Arnold died 20 April 1966, age 6. He was hit by a car while waiting for school bus. Buddy was the son of Raymond Clive "Bud" Arnold.

I don't have a picture of Buddy Lynn Arnold. This photo is his father, Bud Arnold, with sisters (back) Bertha Lee and Ruby, (front) Verlie, Arbie, Opie, Obie, Joan. This picture was taken at the Carter/Arnold annual family reunion in 1984. 

James Everett Garrett died 20 April 1966, age 50.

Mildred Jewell Arnold Garrett died 20 April 1966, age 47.

PHOTO: Mildred Arnold Garrett. 
I don't have a picture of her husband, Everett Garrett. Mildred and Everett died the same day in a murder-suicide incident. Everett shot Mildred and later killed himself.

Mildred was a sister of Bud Arnold (above). In case you didn't notice, Mildred and Everett died the very same day as Bud's son (Buddy) was hit by a car and died. (Can you even imagine?)

Everett had previously been married to another sister of Bud's -- Verlie -- and had two children with her. Everett and Mildred had six children: Eva Jane, Jimmy Wayne (died 1959, age 16, car accident), Betty Ann, Oma Jean, Darlene (died at birth), and Steven (died age 1 day).

*   *   *

Bud Arnold was one of 13 children of George Ned Arnold. George was a brother of my great-grandmother Annie Arnold Hicks.

PHOTOS: Top - George with his first wife Jessie and their first five (of 8) children. Bottom - George with his 2nd wife Eula Mae and their 5 children.

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