Tuesday, April 02, 2024

April 2

Albert Newton Betts died 02 April 1953, age 81.

Albert was the husband of Sarah Caroline Carter (sister of my great-great-grandmother Adaline Carter Arnold)

PHOTO: Albert and Sarah Betts with children Elgan, Lora, and Minnie
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Della Viola Ford was born 02 April 1936.

Della was a granddaughter of Charles Ford. Charles was a brother of my great-grandmother Nancy Ford Thomas.

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Garland Dye died 02 April 2020, age 80

Garland was a grandson of Marlie Arnold (brother of my great-grandmother Annie Arnold Hicks)

PHOTO: Sylvia and Delbert Dye with children Noma and Garland

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Laura Ann Wilkerson Carter died 02 April 1938, age 58. She died from injuries sustained in a tornado. Laura was the wife of George Thomas Carter (brother of my great-great-grandmother Adaline Carter Arnold)

PHOTO: George and Laura Carter with children Frank, Lena, Etta

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Lora Frances Walters married Louis Marvin Frazier 02 April 1944.

Frances was the daughter of Sherman and Helen Burford Walters (sister of my grandfather Lester Burford)

PHOTO: Louis and Frances Frazier (left) with children Craig and Anne

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Bonus: Here's one of my favorite photos. Frances Walters holding my mother Wathada Burford. 
(Isn't she just the cutest thing?)

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