Friday, April 12, 2024

April 12

Verlie Arnold married Everett Garrett 1936

I don't have a picture of Everett Garrett. That is to say, I don't THINK I have a picture of him. I have pictures of Verlie when she was a young mother --

I honestly don't know if this picture is Everett or not, because...

Verlie married Everett Garrett in 1936. They had one son, Wes. In 1939, when Verlie was pregnant with their second child, she and Everett divorced and she married his brother Ed Garrett. (And Verlie's sister Mildred married Everett.) Verlie and Ed had two more children -- a son, Youl, and a daughter Verletta. In the photo above, I don't know which one of her babies she is holding.

This photo is Verlie with her three sons. Verletta was not born yet. This would have been 1943.

PHOTO: Ed and Verlie with (L-R) Wes, Youl, Verletta, Leon

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