Tuesday, August 30, 2022

UlysAnnie album, page 9

Ruby, Cleffie, Annie, Evalee, Vernell, Bernice
Xmas 1950

Charles, Jack, Buck, Morris, Oma Dell, Elaine, Wathada.
This was probably taken the same day as the picture above. 

Ulys & Annie in front of their house on Empire Avenue in Benton Harbor. This is the house they lived in when I was growing up. Bernice and Cindy lived in the upstairs, which was converted into a tiny apartment with a kitchen, bathroom, and bedroom.

Ulysses Fillmore Hicks
(This seems like the 'official' portrait to me -- this is how I remember him.)

Ulys & Annie in the snow

Ulys & Annie 1948

Ulys & Annie

Annie Hicks
(not sure when this was taken, but I'm guessing this is one of the last pictures of her)

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