Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Square Photos album, page 7


Top left: Oma Dell and Donald Hawley

Top right: Ulys and Annie's 50th anniversary party, 1960, at their house on Empire Ave. in Benton Harbor MI. Ulys is sitting in the recliner with a blanket or towel over his legs. Annie is in the red dress with a corsage of yellow flowers. The woman talking to Annie is Clara Blythe (according to what's written on the back of the photo). I don't know who she is - not a family member, as far as I know.

Bottom left: Oma Dell and Donald's first three children - Donna Kaye, Mike, and Danny.

Bottom right: Oma Dell and Donald Hawley

Oma Dell's mother Ruby and my mother's mother Cleffie were sisters. Oma Dell was several years older than my mother, but the two of them always had a special kinship. I guess it is for that reason that I ended up with a LOT of pictures of Oma Dell. She was a childlike soul throughout her life, and Donald absolutely doted on her. (Well, that's how I remember them, anyway.)

Here are some pictures of my mother and Oma Dell later in life --

I have a funny story to tell about Oma Dell and Wathada, but I have to go hunt down the pictures to tell it. Stay tuned...


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