Wednesday, August 10, 2022

The night that the lights went out

 Well, this is probably one of those things where 'you had to be there' to appreciate the humor. What happened was this -- Cleffie and Wathada and Oma Dell took a road trip together in 1991. Wathada flew from California (where she lived) to Michigan (where Cleffie lived), and then they drove to Arkansas (where Oma Dell lived), and then they drove to Alabama (where I lived). One of the nights while they were staying at my house the power went off for a little while. It was pitch dark in the house. And then one of us got the idea to start taking pictures. What you have to imagine, looking at these pictures, is that the momentary camera flash is all the light we had. We were all stumbling around in the dark, and we got to laughing... 

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