Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Sqare photos album, page 20


Top left: Charles and Evalee Jones, Beverly Jones. Charles is holding Ricky Thomas. This picture was taken at Bill and Christie Thomas' house. (See anecdote, below.)
Top right:  Another picture of Charles and Evalee. It's a double exposure, Looks like Ricky was in one of the exposures. I don't know where this one was taken.
Bottom left: Buck Jones (Charles and Evalee's son)
Bottom right: Beverly Jones (Charles and Evalee's daughter)

*     *     *

My mother's and father's families rarely mingled, so this picture is odd to me. I have a big ledger book that Grandma and Grandpa Thomas shared -- he would write down some financial transactions from time to time, and she used it as an on-again-off-again diary. There is an entry on March 30, 1959, that mentions Charles and Evalee and Beverly coming to their house to visit.
It says: "Ray & Richard & family were home for Easter & Bernarde & family were here for afternoon & evening & Evalee & Charles & Beverly were here in the afternoon. March 30, 1959."

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