Tuesday, August 09, 2022

Square photos album, The Hawleys, featuring Donna Kaye

 Trynna kinda get a handle on where to go next...

I like the format of doing photo album pages. I have a dozen or more photo albums put together from the family photo archives that I inherited. They are more or less organized. I can be a compulsive organizer, but it seems more interesting to me to scatter-shot a bit, rather than to do a strict genealogy-type series, which can be informative, but also kind of dull and boring, don't you think?

The vast majority of the pictures that I have are from the Arnold/Carter/Hicks branches of the family tree -- my mother's mother's folks. There are scads of them. That's okay. They are the ones I am most familiar with, in real life, having grown up with many of them living nearby (in Michigan), and then meeting a bunch more of them the 13 years I lived in Arkansas. 

I'm actually thinking of putting together another series of books, based on the posts I make in this blog, using the hard-copy photo albums as the underlying format. One book for each photo album. Whaddya think?

Anyway, I have one whole photo album that just consists of square photographs. Remember the old Kodak black-and-whites with crinkle-cut white borders? I am going to post some pictures from that album for a while, and then maybe I'll get my head together and get more organized...

Top left: Donna Kaye Hawley

Top right: Ruby Hicks Barnett, Oma Dell Barnett Hawley, Donna Kaye Hawley

Bottom left: Oma Dell and Donald Hawley with Donna Kaye

Bottom right: Donna Kaye Hawley

Donna Kaye was born 02 March 1955 -- four months after I was born. She lived in Missouri and I lived in Michigan, but we had a special bond when we were young, even though we only saw each other once or twice a year. That was usually when Oma Dell and Donald would come to Michigan to visit her parents, Jack and Ruby Barnett. Ruby was the oldest sister of my grandmother Cleffie Hicks Burford.

Here is a picture of Ruby and Oma Dell and Donna Kaye -- with Donna's son Aaron and Aaron's daughter Katelyn -- FIVE GENERATIONS.

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