Wednesday, August 31, 2022

UlysAnnie album, page 10

Grandchildren: BACK: Velma, June, Wathada holding Russell, Oma Dell, Morris, Buck, Betty. FRONT: Carl Ray, Clint, Ronnie, Shelby, Mary Gail, Bob, Velda, Bobbie, Beverly, Chuckie, Jeannie.
Oma Dell is Ruby's daughter. Velma, June, Betty, and Bobbie are Irene's. Wathada, Morris, Bob, and Ronnie are Cleffie's. Buck and Beverly are Evalee's. Carl, Velda, and Mary are Vernell's. Jeannie, Clint, and Chuckie are Olan's. Shelby is Bernice's. Russell is Lowell's. (The only ones missing are Elvin's.) This would have been 1951.

Xmas 1950 at Ulys and Annie's farm in Michigan.

Charles and Evalee, Beverly and Buck, Ulys & Annie

Xmas 1950. Jack Barnett, Charles Jones, Lester Burford, Ray Leatherwood, Jay Bridges, Olan Hicks, Lowell Hicks. (Five sons-in-law and two sons.)

Annie and Elvin HIcks


BACK: Bernice, Annie, Ulys, Jay holding Russell, Lester (? with his head cut off), Cleffie, Wathada.
FRONT: Morris, Lowell, Shelby, Ronnie, Bobby. This would have been 1951.

Elvin's kids: Junior, Jeannie, Jimmy. Morris Burford (holding the puppy).

Bernice and Cleffie

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