Friday, August 12, 2022

Square Photos album, page 9


Top left: Luvena Barnett wedding to Art Miller. Luvena married Earl Barnett (brother of Jack and Doc Barnett) in 1915. Earl died in 1957. She married Art Miller in 1958.

Top right: Jack & Ruby Barnett, Irene and Doc Barnett. Sisters Ruby and Irene Hicks married brothers Jack and Doc Barnett.

Bottom left: Cleffie Burford and Oma Dell Hawley. (Oma Dell was the daughter of Jack and Ruby Barnett. Cleffie was Ruby's sister.)

Bottom right: Jack & Ruby Barnett. Jack and Ruby worked on Victor Friday's farm. (That's the only job I ever knew of them having, until they retired. If they ever had other jobs, I was unaware of it.) 

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