Tuesday, August 23, 2022

UlysAnnie album, page 3

Photo: Annie holding Cleffie, Irene (left), Ruby (right). To the left of the picture is a list of Ulys and Annie's ten children, with the year of their birth.

This is the gravestone of Ulys and Annie's first baby - "Baby Son of U.F. and B.A. Hicks" (Annie's full name was Bertha Ann). Ulys carved the stone by hand. The back of the stone gives the date of his birth: 
This grave is in Pine Grove Cemetery, near Floral, Arkansas. Most of our Hicks/Arnold/Carter ancestors are buried there.

Ulysses and Annie Hicks with Ruby, born in May 1912

Ulysses Hicks and Will Anderson (I don't know if he is related or not. There are some Andersons on the Carter branch of the family tree.) This is a postcard that Ulys sent to Annie before they were married. Here's the back of the card, with Ulys' writing, plus some notes written on it by later generations...

The postmarks are December 13th and 15th, 1909

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