Friday, July 23, 2021

Too much thinking

One of today's birthdays is Ida Lenora Sandefur Hicks 1881-1965. 

I couldn't quite place who that was, how she was related, and then I discovered that there are three different Sandefur connections in the family.

1. Nancy Hicks married George Woodson Sandefur

One of Nancy and George's daughters was named Ida Mae (just to make things more confusing)
Ida Mae Sandefur is top left. Top right is her sister Viola. Bottom left is Malisa Hicks, mother of Nancy Hicks, bottom right.

2. Felix Hicks (Nancy's brother) married Ida Lenora Sandefur (George's sister)

Well, that's not unusual -- sisters marrying brothers -- in our family history, and many others. But then there was another Sandefur that popped up, NOT on the Hicks branch of the family tree but on the ARNOLD branch --

3. Etta Arnold Jackson's daughter Wincel married Toilvy Cleveland Sandefur. Hm. I tried to figure out whether or not he was related to the other Sandefurs on the Hicks side, but that's way too much thinking for this early in the morning!

Nancy and Felix Hicks were siblings of my great-grandfather Ulysses Hicks. Etta Arnold was the sister of my great-grandmother Annie Arnold Hicks. So maybe the Sandefurs were just.... around... in that time and place. I dunno. Ain't family history fun?

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