Friday, July 02, 2021

July 02

Daisy Leeth Herman 1905-1989
Daisy and Dennis Leeth were twins. (There are almost 20 sets of twins in our combined family histories!) They were 2 of the 5 children of Beckie Parker, youngest sister of my great-grandmother Massie Parker Treat. 
Photo: The two younger children are Kenneth and Carl.
Photo: Leslie and Beckie with youngest daughter Wanna.

The fifth child was a daughter named Vera Juanita. She was apparently called "Juana" or "Wanna". She was born five years after the next youngest child Carl. I don't have a picture of all five children together.

Beckie was married to Leslie Ellis Leeth, and they lived in Pike County, Ohio, where most all of the Treat family lived and died. 

Massie and Marcus moved to Michigan and their daughter Christie was my grandmother, who married Bill Thomas. (So Daisy was my grandmother's first cousin -- my first cousin twice removed.)

Photos: Massie and Marcus Treat, Bill and Christie Thomas

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