Sunday, July 11, 2021

July 11


Bernice Hicks married Bill Rogers 1970

Bernice was the youngest of my grandmother's five sisters. Her first husband was Jay Bridges, with whom she had three children -- Shelby, Gregory, and Cindy. Gregory was stillborn or died at birth. Bernice and Jay divorced and Jay moved to California. Shelby later moved to California and lived with his dad. Cindy and Bernice lived in the upstairs of Grandma and Papa Hicks' house in Benton Harbor (Michigan), which they converted into a tiny apartment. In 1967 Shelby married Beverly Zielke. They had two sons, Stephen and Gregory. In 1971 Cindy married Irving Turner; they later divorced and in 1977 she married Dale Haigler. 

Photos: Bernice and Jay Bridges, Shelby and Cindy

Photos: Shelby and Beverly

Photos: Irving and Cindy, Cindy and Dale.

Bernice married Bill Rogers on 11 July 1970 and they remained married until his death in 2003.


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