Monday, June 06, 2022

Family History Miscellaneous album, page 54


George Ned Arnold and his son Amos
Amos was George's first child with his first wife Jessie. 
Amos died at age 7 from typhoid fever, so there are very few photos of him.
George was a brother of my great-grandmother Annie Arnold Hicks.

L-R: Garland Dye, Noma Dye, Morris Burford, Wathada Burford, Bob Burford, Ron Burford
Garland and Noma were children of Sylvia Arnold and Delbert Dye.
Sylvia was the daughter of Marlie Arnold (Annie's brother)

George Ned Arnold and Jessie Tamsett
This is cropped from a larger photo:
Ulys Hicks, Annie Arnold, George Arnold, Jessie Tamsett, 1910
Ulys and Annie married in February of 1910, and George and Jessie married in July of that year.

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