Thursday, June 02, 2022

Family History Miscellaneous album, page 50


Oma Dell Barnett

This school group includes my great-grandmother Annie Arnold and her siblings George, John, Marlie, and Etta. I am not sure which ones they are . Here is a copy of the same picture tagged with my best guess -

George Thomas Carter and Larah (Laura?) Ann Elizabeth Wilkerson Carter with their children Lena, Frank, and Etta. Laura died in a tornado. George was a brother of my great-great-grandmother Adaline Carter Arnold.

Birdie and Marlie Arnold
Here's what cousin Glynda Carter Tucker wrote:
Marlie was the fourth child of Henry and Adeline.  He married Birdie Hays in 1915.  They were married at Concord, Arkansas.  He was also a blacksmith.  Their first child was a boy, born dead.  They had eight children.  All born in Cleburne and Independence Counties.  Two of the eight died young and six are still living.  Marlie died in 1970 and Birdie in 1978.  Both are buried at Wilburn, Arkansas. 

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